Wading Through...

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Arthur: 6 Weeks

We made it out of a very bad week.  Growth spurt in both a physical and mental sense.  It made Arthur a very cranky baby.  Now that things have settled, he is a such a delight.

Likes: Enterprise mobile, Jedi Mickey, staring at mom and dad, talking, scooting around his crib

Dislikes:Direct sunlight (lots of flinching and fussing), sleeping alone

Sleeping: Arthur sleeps in his crib at night, but the daytime naps are in his monkey bouncer.  Now if only we can get him to sleep more than 3 hours at night.  We're still working on getting Arthur to bed faster without as much fussing.

Eating: Consistently eating 4 ounces every 3 hours or so.  But lately he's been playing with his bottle instead of just drinking his milk.  He seems to have a lot of fun spraying me with formula.  Hope this ends soon.

Playing: Arthur's discovered that he can wiggle himself around the floor or his crib.  He seems to get enjoyment around wriggling around.  He's also actively looking at his hanging toys.  Pretty soon he should start grabbing at them.

Medical Milestones:Lots and lots of big developments this week.  First my favorite development -- Smiling!  Finally I'm seeing real smiles in response to talking to him.  I'm loving the adorable smiles.  He's also working on grabbing and holding onto my fingers and shirt.  Plus, I've noticed different cries for being hungry, needing a diaper change, and wanting to be held.

Schedule: No new developments yet, but I've been in many discussions with other new moms about when and how to work on a set schedule.  I'm thinking of holding off on trying anything for another week or so.

My Recovery: I have my 6 week follow-up tomorrow.  Hope to be cleared for exercise.

And to finish our update this week, highlights from our Thanksgiving photo shoot.  Thanks to Grandma Heidi and Papa Bill for the turkey hat.  Arthur tried to eat it, but seemed to grow to like the hat towards the end.