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May's TBR Pile Recap: Books Read and Reviewed (11/17 books)
- The Impossible Cube by Steven Harper
- Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
- Sixteen Brides by Stephanie Grace Whitson
- The Walking Dead Book 5 (not pictured)
- The Walking Dead Book 6 (not pictured)
- The Walking Dead Book 7 (not pictured)
- The Walking Dead Volume 17 (not pictured)
- The Hostage by Susan Wiggs
- Emma by Jane Austen
- The Postman by David Brin (iPad)
- MWF Seeking BFF by Rachel Bertsche (review pending)
1,000,000 Page Goal
Monthly Total: 3911 pages
Pages Remaining: 882,144 pages
Current Read - The Mistress by Susan Wiggs
Books Won (0)
Books I Gave Up On (0)
Challenges Completed - None yet. I failed the T4MC Part 11, but only by 1 book. Hopefully I do better for Part 12.
Comments - A decent reading month. I only read 11 books, but I read almost 4000 pages. I'd say success! The Bout of Books 7.0 readathon really helped me focus on my reading. While I didn't do any of the challenges or participate in the Twitter chats, I had a lot of fun reading books and reading others' blog posts. Can't wait for 8.0!
June's TBR Pile:
- The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (iPad)
- Lost by Gregory Maguire (iPad)
- The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
- The Mistress by Susan Wiggs
- The Color Purple by Alice Walker
- The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill by Mark Bittner
- Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
- Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
- Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne (iPad)
- The Firebrand by Susan Wiggs
- Pride and Prescience by Carrie Bebris
- Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (iPad)
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain