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Sunday Sunset #8

Book finishedThe Beekeeper's Apprentice, Complete Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales, Crossed, Locke and Key Volume 5, A Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel, Princess of Glass, Princess of the Midnight Ball

ReadingMorrigan's Cross by Nora Roberts

On the Nightstand: Neverwhere, Death, Beautiful Creatures, Let's Pretend This Never Happened

MakingLists: March blog posts.  I am loving Evernote to organize my future blog posts.  I'm planning on a Zombie movie marathon for my birthday and multiple posts about my boys for their birthday.  If I didn't make lists, I would never have blog posts...

On the Web: Reading lots of interesting parenting websites.  I find the different lifestyles to be good reading.  I think I am obsessed.

Watching: Along with watching ST:TNG S4, I started watching Hart of Dixie S1 on Netflix.  And we started watching S1 and S2 of The Inbetweeners.  Freaking hilarious!  Must keep watching.  And we caught up on currently airing shows: Archer (Hello Anthony Bourdain!), Learning Town, Once Upon a Time, Community, Castle, Modern Family.

The end of New Movie February:

Wondering: How did I make it through almost 30 crappy weather birthdays?  I am loving the great California weather to bask in on my birthday.

From Nature: Hello!  Beautiful!

Project: Gearing up for spring break back in Indiana and summer with the boys.