I want nothing in the world but myself to protect me and I won't lie down, roll over, and die. -- Aida There'd be no ties of time and space to bind me and no horizon I could not pursue. -- Aida
Quotes from one of my favorite musicals. Back in 2000, my two best friends and I traveled to NYC for Spring Break. We wanted to see a broadway show, but were pretty lean on cash. We happened to notice a sign for "Student tickets" outside of the theater housing Aida. We inquired and walked away with $20 tickets. I thought we would be in the nosebleeds, but no, we were first row orchestra. Holy crap! We could see the individual sweat beads on the actors. It was crazy! I loved the show and the music. After the show, we went to the backstage door to try and meet the stars. The actress playing Aida, Heather Headley graduated from high school in my home town. We waited and waited. We met tons of the actors. We chatted, we got autographs, but we really wanted to see Heather Headley. Finally she came out of the stage door. We immediately tried to grab her attention. She came over. We asked for autographs and photographs. She obliged and asked us where we were from. "Fort Wayne, IN!" we cried. Then she asked us what high school we went to. "Snider." "Too bad" was her reply. She graduated from Snider's rival, Northrop. We had a great laugh about it, chatted a bit more, and then it was time to leave. I'll never forget my spring break trip to NYC, but seeing Aida and meeting Heather Headley was definitely the highlight for me.
"Elaborate Lives"
"Written in the Stars"