I've recently read a few nonfiction books, but just didn't have enough to say about them for full reviews. So here's my mini reviews:
Title: A History of Egypt: From Earliest Times to the Present
Author: Jason Thompson
Publisher: Anchor Books 2008
Genre: Nonfiction -- History
Pages: 382
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Dewey -- 960s; Fall into Reading
How I Got It: Library Loan
This is the type of history books that I should be reading. This volume is a much more comprehensive history of a culture, people and country. I enjoyed the depth and readability. Good read. And I learned much about the rise of Islam in the area (definitely a lacking area of my historical knowledge).
Title: Blue: 350 Inspiring Ways to Decorate with Blue
Author: Lisa Cregan
Publisher: Hearst Communications 2011
Genre: Nonfiction -- Home decor
Pages: 272
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Dewey -- 740s; Fall into Reading; Color Coded -- Blue
How I Got It: Library Loan
Such pretty pictures. I would love to add more blue into our decor, but it seems the boys' room is the only place I can get away with it.
Title: The Green Book
Publisher: Three Rivers Press 2007
Genre: Nonfiction -- Enviroment
Pages: 204
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Dewey -- 330s; Fall into Reading; Color Coded -- Green
How I Got It: Library Loan
Tips to live a greener lifestyle. Okay introduction book, but some of the ways to green your lifestyle area bit hard to do without owning a business or at least your own house. The testimonies from celebrities seemed a bit wonky to me.

Title: Active Liberty
Author: Stephen Breyer
Publisher: Alfred Knopf 2005
Genre: Nonfiction -- Law
Pages: 164
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Dewey -- 340s; Fall into Reading
How I Got It: Library Loan
A great slim but dense volume on the differences between active and modern liberty and their applications. I am a huge Constitutional Law geek. I love reading about interpretations and applications of the various sections of the Constitution. And Breyer definitely knows his Constitution. I've never quite looked at it his way, but it was a nice analysis.
Title: Minigami
Author: Gay Merrill Gross
Publisher: Firefly Books 2005
Genre: Nonfiction -- Paper Craft
Pages: 144
Rating: 3 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Dewey -- 730s; Fall into Reading
How I Got It: Library Loan
I loved looking at all the pretty pictures, but origami is harder than I thought it would be. I tried to do some of the designs and they weren't that clean looking. I imagine that practice would make cleaner designs.