I found this wonderful meme idea on Ruby Bastille. I thought it would be a great way to share my life with my readers. So here we go with my first Thankful Thursday.
1) Chili -- I was missing the Midwest fall. I was missing the apple cider, bonfires, and chili. I wanted to feel a bit of home (California doesn't quite feel like home yet). So I made chili and it was glorious. Sunnyvale even graced me with cooler temps (low 60s) to enjoy my spicy chili and cornbread.
2) My grandma -- Every time I send her a card, she sends a thank you note back. Even with her bad arthritis, she takes the time to write me a note back. Don't tell her, but for Christmas I made her a huge stack of homemade cards to use.
3) J for accepting my crazy random thoughts -- Lately every time we watch a show, I must nitpick about something. Usually that something has something to do with the law. Last week we were watching the episode of The West Wing (S3) where Donna finds out she isn't American anymore. This led to me asking a ton of questions about citizenship jus soli (by soil). I had to go on to Wikipedia to find some detailed answers. The entire time J encouraged my crazy behavior until I had answers. The result: we both think the writers failed to fully explain the circumstances and that even if her town isn't in America anymore, those residents before the transfer would retain citizenship. Yeah I know, crazy.
4) Thanksgiving -- I'm almost a week away from flying back to Indiana and spending time with family and friends. Thanksgiving gives me the opportunity to spend some time there, but more importantly to be with my boys. I miss them terribly.
5) The recent elections -- Whether or not I voted for the current people in office, I am thankful to be able to vote and voice my opinion.