Once Upon a Readathon 3
It's time for sign ups for the third annual Once Upon a Readathon! I can't believe this read-a-thon has now been running three years but I'm excited to get back to it again!!!! This Readathon is hosted by Lori at Pure Imagination, Candace at Candace's Book Blog, and myself. It runs from 12:01 AM on July 9 to 11:59 PM on July 11th.
What you do:
To participate in the Once Upon a Readathon you must ENTER INTO THE LINKY! The linky is the same on all of our blogs so you only need to enter once! Then, from 12:01 am on July 9th to 11:59 pm on July 11th you read, read, and read some more! Make sure you do at least one update post (if you don't have a blog you may do this on facebook and/or twitter) and participate in at least one challenge. Don't forget to add the button to your sidebar!!
Lori, Candace, and Angel are hosting a giveaway for a 60$ AMAZON GIFTCARD OR 60$ to Book depository for International winner. This will go a random participant when the Readathon is finished. There will also be giveaways held by the mini-challenge hosts and maybe some other giveaways through-out the read-a-thon. You are only eligible if you do at least one update post and participate in at least one challenge. We will check!