I found this wonderful meme idea on Ruby Bastille. I thought it would be a great way to share my life with my readers. This week's thankfulness...
1) Cupertino, CA -- For having fireworks so we didn't have to fight our way up to the city to see some fireworks. We sat in a nice park enjoying the beautiful weather. The best part was we returned home in 30 minutes.
2) California weather -- While the midwest and my hometown has been experiencing 100+ degree weather, we've had temperatures hovering in the low 70s. It's just gorgeous around here...
3) J's motivation -- The other day he moved all of the other boxes hanging out in the office into the closet. We can now walk into the office without fear of dying from box injuries. I love it!
4) Sunnyvale Library -- The boys are loving having a great library close to the house. We visit weekly. And last week they finally noticed that they could get movies. We stocked up.
5) Half Price Books -- While it's all the way in Fremont (~20 minutes away), we have one. And they are hosting a summer reading program for kids. The boys read over 300 minutes in June and received their $5 gift cards. They were so excited to actually earn some money to then spend on books. Thank you for giving kids the motivation and rewards for reading.