I thought it would be a good idea to do a periodic checkup on my reading challenges. A way of reminding myself of my successes and failures. So here goes...
Total Challenges: 1/25 4%
Total Spots: 325/696 46.7%
Individual Challenge Progress:
- Goodreads 88/175 50%
- Semi-Charmed Summer 7/14 50%
- Zombies 14/24 58.3%
- Young Adult 6/12 50%
- Fantasy 6/10 60%
- Vampires 5/10 50%
- Romance 5/10 50%
- Telling Tales (fairy tales) 4/10 40%
- Historical Fiction 4/10 40%
- Graphic Novels 14/20 70%
- Shakespeare 3/12 25% **
- SciFi 2/5 40%
- Outlander series 0/5 0% **
- Mixing It Up 8/16 50%
- Back to the Classics 2/9 22%
- Harry Potter series 5/7 71.4% *
- Fables 4/5 80% **
- Read Your Name 23/23 100% *
- A to Z 20/26 76.9% *
- What's in a Name? 5 3/6 50%
- Library 33/37 88.2%
- Mount TBR 38/150 25.3%
- Dewey Decimal System 7/41 17.1%
- Book2Movie 8/20 40%
- MyYears 15/30 50%
- Color Coded 1/9 11.1%**
*Successes: I finished the Read Your Name Challenge using all 23 letters of my full name. One done... many to go. I'm almost done with the Harry Potter, Fables, and A to Z Challenges.
**Failures (Needs Improvement): I really need to get moving on a couple of the challenges (Shakespeare and Outlander). I had also hoped to finish the Fables Challenges by now, but it got shoved on the back burner. Definitely by September...
I'm pretty happy with a total spot percentage of 46.7%. Close to halfway done...