We're on our way. We're heading to California to start a slightly modified life. Excited as it may be, we've got a lot of ground to cover. I thought you would like to see the things we encounter on our ~2000 mile journey. (I know it 's just what you have all wanted!). Enjoy! Travel miles today: 561 miles
Travel miles total: 1831 miles
Places of interest: Another huge day of traveling. I did get to see some awesome dino bones, though. We didn't quite make it to Reno today, but we are about 3 hours away. That should leave us with about 6:30 hours of driving tomorrow. I think we can do it. Just need to get up and going early.
First (and only) stop: Dinosaur National Monument. We arrived right as it opened and got on the first tour of the day. The ranger takes you up to the Quarry Fossil Center and from there you can explore. Of course, we got to enjoy it with about 50 elementary students there on a field trip. The center is basically a building covering a giant wall of dinosaur fossils. It's huge! And really cool. The original building was built in the 1950s, but closed in 2006 because it was structurally unsound. It was literally falling apart. It took the NPS five years to replace it. Thankfully the new building opened last year, so we could see the wonder that is the Quarry. Very neat place!
In passing: We passed the Great Salt Lake. Man is that thing huge! and the Bonneville Salt Flats. J didn't want to risk the car, so no offroading.
Tomorrow: Donner Party Memorial in Truckee CA, Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield CA, and finally Sunnyvale CA!