See Part 1
See Part 2
Days 8-9 were spent in the Pittsburgh area.
Day 8: Carnegie Mellon Museum of Art and Museum of Natural History. Awesomely they are in the same building and one admission price gets you into both. The boys were over the moon with the dinosaurs. J loved the art museum. And I really liked everything. I really am a museum whore and proud of it!
Pictures: Working lab, Allosaurus, boys in front of the T Rexes, Boys being paleontologists, main staircase, Terpsichore Muse of Lyric Poetry
Day 9: We drove about an hour outside of Pittsburg to see Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater. I've been to his house in Oak Park (Chicago) and see the designs there. But I've always wanted to see Fallingwater. The boys even enjoyed it! Unfortunately you can't take pictures inside the house.
Day 10: J and I drove back to Omaha. On to the moving!