Wading Through...

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My Years Reflection 1985

It's my 30th birthday year.  As part of my celebrations, I thought I would take my birthday month to reflect on my life.  To help, I am using some of my scrapbooked pages to illustrate my life.  For each year, I've chosen a few pages to highlight that year.  I hope you enjoy my look back as much as I do.

1985:  Starting to remember bits and pieces of my life.  In general  I remember where I lived and who some of my friends were.  At 3 years old, we lived in a trailer park.  We lived there until I started Kindergarten.

Page 1:  I had my 3rd friend birthday party at Shobiz...  a precursor to Chucky Cheese.  It was awesome! Games, pizza, cake, and good friends.  And check out that birthday cake.  I was a Strawberry Shortcake fan.  I remember watching the cartoon on Saturday mornings.  I wanted to be Strawberry Shortcake.

Page 2:  That baby doll you see is Rachel Michelle.  I must have gotten her when I was one or two years old.  And I still have her.  Currently, she packed in a trunk with some other early years memorabilia.  As you can see, I took her everywhere, even sledding down hills bundled up.  Through the years, Rachel Michelle has endure a new wig and a new cloth body.  For the most part she's intact and still kicking it.

Page 3:  My maternal grandparents, Frances and Jerry moved to Jupiter, Florida.  After moving, we visited once a year until we moved to Florida (albeit the other side) when I was in fifth grade.  I have some great memories of visiting and soaking in the sun.  Everyone looks so young!