Today's Progress:
- Books Read: 1.3
- Total Books Read: 2.3
- Pages Read: 364
- Total Pages Read: 546
- Time Read: 2 hours 33 minutes
- Total Time Read: 4 hours 43 minutes
- #todayinsixwords: Finally on Team Katniss and Peeta!
My goals:
- Read at least 5 books
- Read my required (for readalongs) sections of Gatsby and Midsummer
- Review all books read
- Participate in at least 2 mini challenges
- Read at least 2 hours a day
My TBR pile:
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Current read)
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
- Mockinjay by Suzanne Collins
- Sunshine by Robin McKinley
- Lost in Austen by Emma Campbell Webster
- Hatter M Vol. 1
- Hatter M Vol. 2
- Hatter M Vol. 3
- Brains: A Zombie Memoir by Robin Becker
- Fables: Rose Red
- Harry Potter Film Wizardry by Brian Sibley
- A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare (Act II)
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Pages46-90)
Mini Challenge #2: Paranormal Book to Movie (Picked by Poison)
Disclaimer: I am participating in this challenge on my blog only. The prize is a book from The Hunger Games, and as I own all three, I didn't want to enter myself into the contest and take away a prize from someone who desperately wants them. But I did want to have a little fun and chose my perfect picks.
My Book: The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger
My Characters:
Alexia -- I chose Monica Bellucci. She's gorgeous, but definitely wouldn't fit the traditional Victorian England ideal for women.

Lord Maccon -- Gerard Butler. Scruffy, buff, Gerard Butler. Perfect fit for the slightly overbearing, but very delicious Lord Maccon.
Lord Akeldama -- I always see Tom Cruise as Lord Akeldama, well Tom Cruise playing Lestat from Interview with a Vampire. A bit effeminate, very well dressed, but with an undertone of violence (and a bit crazy).

Professor Lyall -- I see James McAvoy as the perfect Professor Lyall. He can be intimadating, but can also play the dignified and refined Englishman. And so yummy! He's my favorite of the werewolves.
Madame Lefoux -- I'm going with Gail Carriger's own choice... Audrey Tatou. Lefoux is French, she's quirky, she's fesity, beautiful yet enigmatic. I think Audrey would play the perfect Lefoux. And she would looo great dressed in men's Victorian clothes.