Instead of daily posts, I thought it would be a lot easier for me and you if I did weekly update posts. These will track my progress each week. I will highlight what I've done, what I want to do, and any interesting tidbits. Sometimes I'll add pictures and/or links. Hopefully these posts will keep me accountable to my list...
What I Did This Week
22. Keep a journal for this project -- Obviously an ongoing goal. I got a beautiful black soft cover journal to use. I am determined to journal at least a bit each day.
6. See all of IMDB's Top 250 movies (2/250)
- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind -- Adore Miyazaki films and this one was stunning. Not Howl's Moving Castle stunning, but still pretty amazing.
- Star Trek (2009) -- Read my review
11. Watch 10 foreign films (1/10)
- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Japanese)
15. See 101 new movies (2/101)
- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
- Super
17. Write a letter to myself to be opened at the end of 1001 days -- A weird letter to write, but I did it. Left myself a little note at the beginning of the journal to revisit at the end of the time period.
19. Blog 1001 times (13/1001)
32. Read my height in books -- This week's height: 4.5 in So far: 4.5 in
66. Save $5 for every task completed -- $15 this week
67. Sell something on eBay -- Sold a few collectable dolls, collectable plates, and a Vera Bradley purse. Feeling glad to make a bit of money and get rid of stuff laying around.
55. Try 30 new recipes (1/30) -- Fish tacos with red beans and rice (see Weekly Meal Plan #8)
64. Get a piggy bank -- a pretty shiny silver one!
31. Finish 30 reading challenges (1/30) -- Summer Romance Reading Challenge Finished
What I Plan to Do Next Week
Obviously I am going to continue all the ongoing goals listed above. More movies, journaling, and reading... heaven! I also want to start finalizing the monthly goals so I can have a plan. I always feel beter if I have a good game plan.
Monthly Goal
None -- I wanted a breather month to organize and plan. I do love my lists!
Overall Progress
3 / 101