While I love this song, I chose it because of this weekend's tragic event. On Saturday, the stage at the Indiana State Faire collapsed killing 5 people and injuring ~40. I'm from Indiana. I've been to concerts at the State Fair. I know the shitty job that they do in constructing those things. I am so mad that the concert wasn't cancelled before it was. Especially considering that the weather reports were predicting very high winds. Just so tragic that this event could have been prevented. With all the tragedy, I appreciate the efforts of all the heroes from that night. From the emergency officials to the other concert patrons who rushed in to try and help after the collapse. Gives me a bit of faith in humanity.
Lyrics (my favorite lines in bold):
I'm just a step away I'm just a breath away Losing my faith today Falling off the edge today
I am just a man Not superhuman I'm not superhuman Someone save me from the hate
It's just another war Just another family torn Falling from my faith today Just a step from the edge Just another day in the world we live
I need a hero to save me now I need a hero, save me now I need a hero to save my life A hero will save me just in time
I've gotta fight todayTo live another daySpeaking my mind todayMy voice will be heard today
I've gotta make a stand But I am just a man I'm not superhuman My voice will be heard today
It's just another war Just another family torn My voice will be heard today It's just another kill The countdown begins to destroy ourselves
I need a hero to save me now I need a hero, save me now I need a hero to save my life A hero will save me just in time
I need a hero to save my life I need a hero, just in time Save me just in time Save me just in time
Who's gonna fight for what's right? Who's gonna help us survive? We're in the fight of our lives And we're not ready to die
Who's gonna fight for the weak? Who's gonna make 'em believe? I've got a hero, I've got a hero Living in me
I'm gonna fight for what's right Today I'm speaking my mind And if it kills me tonight I will be ready to die
A hero's not afraid to give his life A hero's gonna save me just in time
I need a hero to save me now I need a hero, save me now I need a hero to save my life A hero will save me just in time
(I need a hero) Who's gonna fight for what's right? Who's gonna help us survive?
(I need a hero) Who's gonna fight for the weak? Who's gonna make 'em believe? I've got a hero
I need a hero A hero's gonna save me just in time