Wading Through...

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Reading: Scythe by Neal Shusterman. It’s been on my list and comes highly recommended by many bloggers. I’m enjoying it so far.

Watching: We’re a week into New-to-Us movie month. It’s going really well right now. We’ve watched some decent movies and a couple of good documentaries.

Listening: I’ve had A Day to Remember on repeat for about a week now. Really really digging the new songs.

Making: I finally got back into our 52 Desserts and Snacks projects with two different recipes this week.

Feeling: It’s so incredibly cold this week! The highs are all in the single digits. It’s too cold to even play outside right now.

Planning: I’ve got a huge list of Valentine’s crafts. I really need to look at the list and find a few that we can do on Saturday morning.

Loving: It’s cold and I need hot tea every night!