Wading Through...

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Watching: J and I dove in The Shannara Chronicles. It's a bit ridiculous, but fun. It's our current go-to for something fun and not depressing.

Reading: Making my way through The Finishing School series by Gail Carriger for Read a Series in a Month challenge. I'm almost finished with the second book, Curtsies and Conspiracies.

Listening: Going on week 5 of roof repairs in our part of the neighborhood. Our building alone took three weeks (scared to know how damaged the roof really was). They've moved on to the next building down, but lots of noises from hammering and cutting tile. Plus, our building is next to get painted. So noise, lots of noise from about 8am to 5pm every Monday through Friday.

Making: I caught up Arthur's and the family PL albums last week. Moving on to the twins' albums this week. Hopefully I can get to prepping the baby's album before my due date.

Feeling: Pregnancy and life is really wearing on me this week.

Planning: Arthur's 3rd birthday party got moved up a month because of the baby coming. I'm starting to get in deep with party planning. Have an entire Pinterest board and Amazon list.

Loving: J went to the store the other night for pizza and ice cream. He came home with an ice cream cake. So incredibly good!