Wading Through...

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Watching: J and I have been on a movie kick lately. We've watched The Wolverine, The Scorch Trials, Keanu, and San Andreas all in the past week. I plan on watching Pride and Prejudice and Zombies tonight.

Reading: I finally picked up George Washington's Secret Six by Brian Kilmeade. I've been obsessed with the American Revolution lately.

Listening: I started listening to The Scot and the Sassenach podcast yesterday. I love Outlander both books and tv series, so this podcast series is perfect for me.

Making: Started working on my August SSINK cards. In the past three days, I knocked out 4! Woohoo!

Feeling: For the first time in months, I started a week without a meal plan. What is wrong with me this month? Overall, I'm feeling a bit disorganized lately. Need to fix this.

Planning: From my point above, I really need to dive back into my meal and activity planning.

Loving: Digging the fresh fruit right now, especially nectarines, cantaloupe, and grapes. It's all I want to eat right now.