May 2016 Crafting Goals
- April PL Pages -- Always on my goal list
- Prep WITL album and make a plan -- The Ali Edwards fan base is doing Week in the Life the week of May 9th. I haven't decided if I'm doing it that week or the week after, but it will be in May. I want to get my album prepped and plan prepared before the week of.
- Prep May's stamp club cards -- I wanted to get both months done before May, but only April happened. So I need to get May's examples done.
- Attempt to fill stamp club for next round -- Carry over from last month...
- Make a plan for new baby's PL album -- We'll be finding out soon if the baby's a girl or a boy. I am planning on doing a weekly PL album for the baby's first year. I did the same with Arthur and loved the result. It definitely helps to have an album somewhat prepped before the baby comes. Depending on the gender, I may or may not buy new PL baby cards (have some leftover from Arthur) and I need an album.
- Finish posting any for sale items -- I got a head start last week, but I've been wanting to get everything posted in my FB group. I may post things here as well.
A recap of last month's goals:
- March PL pages — Success! I even got Arthur's album caught up to the present.
- Plan and prep April and May’s stamp club cards — 50% success. I finished April's cards way ahead of time, but didn't complete May's cards. I do think I know what we're making. I just haven't actually made them.
- Attempt to fill stamp club for next round — Fail.I'm still working on this goal, but it hasn't been accomplished yet...