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30 Days of Gratitude: Days 5-10

For the first time, I'm participating in 30 Days of Gratitude.  I even joined a FB group with other listers. While many use mini albums to document, I created a simple insert to my regular PL pages. You can see my prep work in this post. Once the month started, I realized that I did't really want the extra duty of picture taking, so I'm going strictly with journaling. I thought I would share my daily cards and a few extra decorative ones.

Day #5: All about sweater weather. It's still warm here, but slightly cooler.  The mornings are cool enough to actually wear a sweater!

Day #6: I knew I wanted to incorporate some of my closest people as part of the month.  Today I am grateful for J.

Day #7: After thinking about J yesterday, I had to highlight being grateful for my littlest boy. After one miscarriage, we got lucky with this incredibly amazing little boy. Can't wait to see what adventures await us during his second year of life.

Day #8: We make a library trip once a week for lots of great picture books and a few novels for me. Currently ours is 1 mile away, perfect for walking to and from.  And they have a great storytime on Tuesday mornings.  We'll have to scout the library after we move. I'm sure Castro Valley has a great one.

Day #9: The first twin, if only because he pushed his way to the front.

Day #10: I've found a great group of friends through my parent's group, the Mountain View Parents Association. We won't be in MV for much longer, but I'll definitely keep up the friendships I've made. Looking forward to our next event and especially mom's night out next weekend.