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New Discoveries #1: Take Ten Kits

A new weekly feature on The Craft Sea. I would love to share my new crafting discoveries with you.  These may be specific products, websites, techniques, or general crafting ideas. Today on New Discoveries, I would love to highlight a relatively new monthly project life style subscription kit. Colie Kumar from Card Stock Option has created a great, cheap ($10!) monthly kit.  I signed up for the first kit in March, but I was regulated to the wait list.  Thankfully, I made it onto the actual list for April and now for May.  So far, I've received two kits and I am in love with them.  They are fun, coordinated, and actually useful.  The kits are designed, but they haven't moved in to the super-trendy category like Studio Calico's kits (have not been a fan lately, and super expensive in comparison).  The quality of the products is great.  The cards are one-sided, but of great cardstock weight.  I love the option of rounding the corners yourself or leaving them squared.  I prefer rounded corners, but I know many don't.  Overall, this is a great little addition to my crafting stash.

April's Kit:

  • Stamp set -- Three border stamps.  Colie offered an add-on stamp that featured words that fit into the border stamps.  I didn't buy it, but it was pretty cute.
  • Silver thickers -- Always love some alphabet stickers
  • Embellishments -- Chipboard geo tags, one piece of button flair, two manilla tags, sample of washi tape.  She offered more matching washi tape as an add-on.
  • 11 3 x 4 Cards
  • 3 4 x 6 Cards

May's Kit:

  • Stamp Set -- Cute little clouds, rain, etc.  I really enjoy this stamp set and can't wait to use it.
  • Green alphas -- Always a welcome addition
  • Embellishments -- Clouds and sun wood veneers, button flair, enamel dots (always use these!), and transparent leaves.
  • 11 3 x 4 cards (embossed!)
  • 3 4 x 6 cards

High points:

  • $10 monthly cost plus shipping: Colie keeps shipping around $2-3 per month.  So your total cost can be as low as $12.
  • Add-ons are offered: If you want to buy some great coordinating products, she offers some great add-ons. The best thing about the add-ons is that you should be able to actual get them if you log onto the Facebook page the first day of the month.  I haven't bought anything, but I have been very tempted...
  • Opt out option: If you aren't a huge fan of the kit, you can opt-out for the month with no penalty.  All you have to do is cancel the invoice.  You still keep your place on the list for the next month.

If you want your own Take Ten Kit, sign up here.